Saturday, October 02, 2021

Toons and Runes

There's a definite shortage of good new cartoons on telly right now. It's high time someone came up with a good one. In fact, the best new cartoons I've seen recently were on the internet, so I thought I should advise anyone who's old-fashioned enough not to know the world wide web's greatest producer of silly cartoon things, FilmCow to follow that link.

Many many years ago, the supremely silly 'Charlie the Unicorn' appeared on the net, followed by three sequels, and more recently an epic continuation (funded, also many many years ago, by a Kickstarter and finally coming gradually and slowly into existence now - not that I'm complaining when someone provides me with entertainment for free; really, there should be a lot more people who do that!) It's perhaps an example of what happens when you take a one-off story and try to build a universe around it, and large parts of this grand finale rather fall flat, but it's worth it for some hilarious moments with Nyx and Norwell in the first two parts, and the upcoming conclusion might well be brilliant, so stay tuned.

A similar piece of taking a one-off great idea and revisiting it can be seen in the video game Deltarune, chapter 2, which I've been playing this week. It's actually kind of dull, mostly, but has its moments, and again as far as I can recall I got it for free (it's not a complete game so much as a preview). It's not technically a sequel to the brilliant Undertale so much as a game by the same creator which references Undertale, but it falls firmly into the category of "games" where you're essentially watching a cartoon and just pressing a button now and then to move onto the next sequence. Undertale subverted that idea nicely, but Deltarune plays it rather more straight.

But if those two examples are the best I can come up with for cartoony novelty in 2021, I clearly need to discover something new. I'd be very open to any suggestions people might have!

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