Friday, January 03, 2025

Let's get memorising!

The Memory League World Championship is kicking off once more! I'm not in it, on account of not being good enough, but it's still very worth watching! And the matches are streamed live on Memory Sports TV, so tune in and watch over the next month! It really is fun and exciting, even if you know little or nothing about memory sports! (See, this is the exact opposite of my post two days ago - this is getting the comic fans who read this blog to start liking memory competitions!)

I really like the double elimination format. It really adds to everyone's enjoyment of the event! And makes it all look more complicated and clever, which can only be a good thing.

Am I ever going to scale the lofty heights of the ranking list, and qualify for future world championships here? Probably not, but I'm going to start by getting back in practice at the whole Memory League thing, and then just maybe work on improving my scores in the Images and Words disciplines - because you can't really get by in competitions here just by being pretty good at Cards and Numbers, even if my scores in those still count as 'pretty good'. I could probably improve my performance all round with a little more dedication, so maybe I'll give it a try...

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