Saturday, July 20, 2024

Unexpected existential crisis

 The British Othello Federation committee are discussing European and World championship events which will or might happen over the next few years, and in the middle of idly thinking about the dates it struck me like a bolt from the blue that I'll be FIFTY years old when these imminent competitions happen in late 2026 or early 2027!

I have honestly never considered that before, I suddenly realise now. I regularly tell people I'm 47, by way of asserting my greater life experience than the impudent youngsters I'm saying it to, but the concept of me being 50, at a time that people are discussing right now as something that is actually going to happen... has never once crossed my mind before.

That's a bit disturbing, all things considered. I think I'm just going to go back to bed, possibly forever, and forget about the whole thing.


Josh said...

Hey Ben,
I know what you mean.
You can change your "chronoception" and dilate your perception of the passage of time by doing a huge amount of difficult, novel things in short bursts, then doing one long, boring, and difficult thing.

But, ultimately, time passes.

And I'm riding this crazy train with you (just a few carriages down).

Zoomy said...

There's sure to be a way to harness this whole "chronoception" thing and reverse the passage of time, if we can just discover it. Until then, at least I can take comfort in knowing everyone else is getting old too!