Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Never forget where you're coming from

I probably should have mentioned yesterday that it was Grandma's 90th birthday. Happy belated birthday to her!

Here's an interesting fact about Grandma - her grandmother, my great-great-grandma, was Scottish. A Graham, to be specific. And I just found out today in the course of randomly wandering around the internet that the Graham clan motto is apparently "Ne oublie" - Don't forget. I think that's quite groovy, and I'll be representing Scotland at memory competitions from now on.

Incidentally, I hear from a friend in Denver, Colorado, that I was on the radio there last night, in some programme about the brain, or something. Talking at the world championship last year. I talked to a lot of people there, I don't remember which particular interview this would have been, but I hope anybody out there who heard it enjoyed it.


Michelle said...

Ha ha my Grandmother will be 92 this year and she can still walk on her own lol no cane, wheelchair or anything! Bless both our grandmother's since they're still living life to the fullest :)

Michelle said...

Oh I almost forgot lol Denver, Colorado is where my aunt and uncle live (the uncle that is my grandmother's son). You really should come down and visit the USA sometime lol at least you won't have to pay a VAT while you're here ;)

Sam said...

You see all good people come from Scotland!! Makes snese now to me at least!
Belated Granny Happy Birthday wishes also sent