Friday, May 11, 2007


A mid-afternoon post, in a break with all the traditions this country holds dear, because I'm going down to Bristol a bit later and I'm weighing up the advantages and disadvantages of taking my laptop down with me. On the one hand, I'm really having a problem lately with internet addiction (my only vice), and it would doubtless do me a lot of good to go cold turkey and not stay up all night chatting and playing. On the other hand, well, I'm having a problem lately with internet addiction and I really want to take my laptop with me. It's not a very well-reasoned argument, but it's one that I'm finding very persuasive just at the moment.


Anonymous said...

Recently I had no Internet access for a month and a half. That was scary. But I'm not an addict: I just need it more than most people. No, really.

Cool blog, btw. I visit from time to time but generally don't feel like commenting.

And congrats on your latest tournament result!

Zoomy said...

Thanks! And don't worry, I think most of the people who read this blog don't feel like commenting. Either that or nobody reads it, I'm never quite sure which.

Anonymous said...

We read it - we're just shy.

Anonymous said...

What kitty said.

Actually, I just prefer to talk with you about what you write, rather than comment.

Anonymous said...

I still enjoy reading your blog. For the record, I'm quite insane... :]