Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Wheels within wheels

 Here's a thing about the Junior Justice Society secret code wheel. If you've decided to use the Greek alphabet and add two more symbols to bring the number of letters up to 26, you'd add the extra symbols to the end of the list, wouldn't you? Not in this case - it looks like they added them to the start, before the alpha!

How can you tell with a circular wheel thing? This is the order of the thirteen superhero codes - it starts with Hawkman (chairman of the Justice Society), then the seven other regular members, then the five honorary members (who had their own comics, and were too cool to be ordinary JSA members). They wouldn't have started the list with Johnny Thunder and had Hawkman at the end. Or maybe the JSA were just trying to make sure the notoriously dimwitted Johnny had the easiest code?

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