Monday, July 14, 2008

Hello, I'm the new Jeremy

It's fun being the new bug in an office. You know you've settled in when people stop introducing you as the replacement for your predecessor, but until then you remain a semi-anonymous New Jeremy. In my time I've been a new Kevin, a new Phil, a new Dave and a new Natasha - jokes about that one lasted the longest; it varies proportionately to the physical differences between you and the person who did your job before. One of these days, maybe I'll be the new Ben. That'll keep an office full of people rolling in the aisles for weeks!

Office workers are easily amused, as a rule.


Anonymous said...

You're not worthy of the name.

Anonymous said...

Why is the comment above Anonymous? as he was clearly a Jeremy LOL!

I wonder if it was "The" Jeremy!

Well replaced Ben!

Anonymous said...

Jeremy means "Appointed by God" in Hebrew. So Ben's boss must be God, I guess.

Anonymous said...
