Sunday, December 05, 2021

More Manikin

 Well, I'll have to go and add an extra note to my exhaustive history of Manikin now - I just noticed that he gets mentioned in passing in one of the James D. Hudnall issues - Alpha Flight #82, March 1990. By this point Hudnall seems to have been forced to scrap his long-term plans (such as they were) for the interminable "Sorcerer Saga" and instead bring it to a rushed conclusion and restore as many old characters as possible to the team. Manikin remains the exception, but Kara does look forward to telling him about their dimension-spanning adventures!

Art by John Calimee - and while it's possible that the Hudnall-Calimee run on Alpha Flight has its fans, I've never heard of any. Still, it's not so bad that I don't pick it up to read through, if I'm in the mood, so it's certainly achieved its aim of providing entertainment!

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