Sunday, May 01, 2011

Rory McLeod's grandmother was right

The wind is really getting stronger around here just lately. It's blow-you-off-your-bike kind of weather, especially if you're as thin as I am nowadays. Well, was until I had a big pub lunch yesterday, anyway - that's probably piled all those pounds back on again.


Aileen said...

Fancy you still remembering Rory McLeod. She was dead right. Call me the nurse.

Zoomy said...

Yes, your constant playing of that record etched it permanently on my brain, I'm afraid...

Tuomas Skopa said...

Hello, I'm a musician from Finland and I'm writing a song and I need some help with the lyrics. If you could be so kind to drop me your email address, so I can tell more about the idea. It's very simple!

Tuomas Skopa