Friday, August 08, 2008

London beckons

Last weekend before the UK championships, so with any luck a full day of practicing tomorrow, then resting my brain for the week beforehand (with maybe a speed cards here or there in an evening). I still need to book a hotel, of course, but I'll leave that to the last second, same as always. It's more fun that way.

The BBC want to put me in a documentary, and also Central Tonight want me on the show again, impressing people on the streets of Nottingham with memory tricks. I'm thinking about it, but I still haven't really got over the novelty of being able to say "sorry, I've got a real job, I just do memory things in my spare time" again...


Anonymous said...

I hopr you say yes to the BBC documantary Ben as the BBC is worldwide and more people will become interested in the sport because of it :-)


Zoomy said...

I do wish people would stop guilt-tripping me into doing things like this. I do already do lots of stuff aimed at getting more people into "memory sports", you know... :-)

Anonymous said...

More guilt-tripping.

If you do more TV, there is more chance that it might get broadcast here!

Anonymous said...

...and then I can see you.

(should not press send when I am not done)