Wednesday, September 06, 2023

The Ben Pridmore show

 So, as I hinted earlier, I've been thinking I should do some kind of podcast. That conversation with Tom and Phil about the earliest days of the World Memory Championship would be a lot of fun and (improbable as it may sound) really would interest a lot of people around the world! And it could be followed by a string of reminiscipackages with lots of other fascinating guests, and multi-media presentations about no end of other fascinating subjects!

The main problem with this idea is that I still don't really like podcasts, and any kind of arena where my voice is the central attraction doesn't appeal to me at all. But that's where modern times are heading (or rather, where they headed decades ago and are waiting for me to catch up), so I think it might have to happen.

I've got a microphone that documentary gave me, that seems to be of high quality. I've got multiple laptops with cameras. And a phone. And access to Twitch and/or YouTube, on which I could share things with the world. It's the next phase of Zoomy evolution, I think. Anyone want to be a guest on my show?

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