Tuesday, September 05, 2023

Over the Void

 It always amazes me just how much fan-art and fiction is devoted to Undertale. Well, it's understandable, since the game is so brilliant and has such a wealth of characters and ideas - perhaps the surprise is that the fan creations are always so amazingly good!

But there's one that I found years ago, loved, decided to leave for a while until more installments had accumulated, forgot about, and was reminded about by YouTube's algorithms this weekend. Over the Void!

It's a comic, by the amazing AbsoluteDream on DeviantArt, which has been made into a sensational dubbed video series by Sans Comic TV on YouTube, and I really think everyone should be watching it, if you haven't already.

I mean, you probably have. It's hugely popular! And again, I'm sort of surprised - come on, it gives a central role to Monster Kid, who's one of my greatest heroes and role models, but is there really such a universal appeal? I guess so!

This is how good the story and videos are - it switches to monochrome half-way through the fourth video, and I didn't even notice, because I was so wrapped up in the story! Watch them all now - you won't regret it!

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