Friday, March 18, 2011

Sky 1 announcement

"As it's Comic Relief night, our Comedy Friday is taking a break this week..."

Anyway, I'm only watching Sky because I'm taking a break from trawling through my spare room. I've got at least three credit cards that were last seen lying on the floor in there, about a year ago, and it occurred to me that I should find them and put them somewhere safe in case I need them. Trouble is, I think I might have done this exercise six months ago, and if so, I have no idea where the somewhere safe was. So the good news is that it's extremely safe, but the bad news is that if I ever find myself in a position of needing to use credit cards (which, when you're voluntarily jobless, can sometimes happen), I'll just have to get a new one. Or steal one from someone else. Or make a fake one using an old video box. That'd work.


  1. Memory techniques sound interesting. I tried it myself this morning by leaving things on a journey. I started with a beach ball on top of a traffic cone. A fish has put the traffic cone on his head and is looking at Susan Boyle. Can't forget it now.

    Beach ball, traffic cone, fish, Susan Boyle, donut, Barack Obama, light bulb, elephant, football, queen, candle, whale, Elton John, Swiss roll, mouse trap, Wayne Rooney, washing up liquid, snail, chess, onion, boomerang, moon, clock, Wednesday, fox, sea, beach, ball.

  2. Can you please do a new youtube video -- a day in the life of you.

  3. I'm up to 50 on my journey. The onion got bored and threw his boomerang at the moon where it hit a clock that struck Wednesday and Foxday after the snail stopped playing chess with him because Wayne squirted him with washing up liquid after the mouse trap caught his foot.

    Wednesday, fox, sea, (beach & ball deleted) Kit Kat, mobile phone, shoes, dustbin, Katie Price, spanner, Twix, rocket, brick, Torquay, wine, cactus, glass, credit card, garden gnome, paint, spaghetti, purple, concrete, ice cream, skate board, cricket, ice, panda.

  4. My shell's got a lovely shine.

  5. I had to look up what you meant by, "watching Sky" -- now it's makes sense.

  6. If you regret that You Bet! was before your time, or otherwise want to sell out your memory skills on BBC Saturday night light entertainment TV, then there's a contestant call out, for which you would surely be a shoo-in if it's the sort of thing which interests you. Warning: there's a contrived "guess how much cash you should win" bit if you pass whatever test you set yourself, but you could always say "ahh, give me 50p, that'll do" unlike everybody else.

    (Aww, the Blogger "word verification" captcha is "mates". Hurrah!)

  7. How do you find colleagues respond to you memorising a pack of cards in 20 seconds ish in your lunch break at the office (before you jacked your job in)?

    Or, I'm having my sandwiches and I will memorise 10 packs of random cards at my desk, so if the phone rings I'm not here. Yeah, okay Ben, I'll do 30 packs in a sec myself says your co-worker. Not.

    Personally, I find that people get really annoyed if you try to do something clever in the office. They feel threatened, alienated, disempowered, undermined etc. by it. Not, wow my colleague does amazing stuff.

  8. Chris - It's not the sort of thing that interests me... but I am going to be on it anyway. The producers actually contacted me a couple of months ago, wanting me to work on their first pre-pilot run-through, but I told them I couldn't because I was too busy at work. But they asked me again last week to be a contestant on the new series, so I said yes. I'll be memorising barcodes, probably...

  9. Anonymouse - I don't memorise things at the office, I work there. But everyone I work with thinks I'm awesome and isn't at all annoyed!

    Oh, and you up there - that's the last bad-taste fake-name I'm going to tolerate on my blog. Anything remotely like that in future will be deleted.

  10. You can memorise Susan Boyle and Katie Price but I want the donuts, Kit Kat and Twix.

  11. Where do I stand in this? Who's getting me? Hello?

  12. You haven't got a leg to stand on, Snail. Now stop the silliness, unless you've got something to say that appeals to my unusual sense of humour.

  13. Oh, and you up there - that's the last bad-taste fake-name I'm going to tolerate on my blog. Anything remotely like that in future will be deleted.

    Your Blog, Your Rules.

    However I do take note to how little real tolerance people who otherwise champion the virtue of tolerance actually possess themselves. You can't possibly know that isn't my name, Zoomy.
