Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Are Amazon spying on me?

They sent me a recommended-reading email with Moonwalking With Einstein and a lot of similar memory-themed books this morning. But I've never bought a memory book from Amazon - I don't buy memory books, as a rule, I just wait for people to give them to me. It's worrying.

Anyway, let's all congratulate Nelson Dellis for winning the US Memory Championship at the weekend! The first US Champion to be a regular reader of my blog without the regular reading being at least partly in order to write a book about it! This would also be a good time to remind everyone that Nelson is climbing Mount Everest, just like his namesake famously climbed that big giant column in Trafalgar Square. Go and wish him luck! And give money to the Alzheimer's Association!


  1. The Amazon recommendation must stem from your immense collection of all books concerning the late Michael Jackson(moon-walking).

  2. What I found weird was that I looked at a property web site at a particular postcode, then days later visited an unrelated site which listed ads for property in that postcode. I wondered if they pass around my IP address or if the cookies on my pc are somehow shared. I also noticed on Yahoo a feature to switch off demographic-based stats collection about me.
    However, in your case, I know that you have a penchant for memory mattresses and that is how Amazon may have confused their advertising.

  3. Amazon's recommendation system seems a bit screwed up right now. This morning they e-mailed me with an advert for a guide to walking in Norfolk, on the basis of having bought books by Christopher Moore, an American writer who has a sick and twisted sense of humour and kills off his characters in weird ways.

    Still, I bet the readers who are in to walking long distance footpaths in East Anglia would have more of a surprise if they trusted Amazon!

  4. I see they're making a movie of moonwalking. Who could play Ben Pridmore better than Ben Pridmore?

    I used to write crazy stuff in emails to see what gmail would put in the ads next time.

  5. Moammar PridlessMarch 18, 2011 12:27 pm

    If your Amazon account is under your real name, and your real name is in Josh's book, then Amazon will usually recommend.

  6. If that's true, then I feel sorry for anyone called John Smith.

  7. There is an article about Nelson in today's Times which gives you a grudging mention.
