I've still got a terrible cold, and it's getting on my nerves.
One of the builders working on the bit of our office building that isn't finished yet is a woman. I think this is very cool - I don't think I've ever seen a female builder outside of politically correct fiction before now.
There's a Brazilian guy called Renato Alves who's claiming to have broken memory world records with some really unexceptional performances, which is riling the 'memory sports' message board today. As best I can understand Babelfish's translation from Portuguese, he does courses on memory and charges a lot of money for it. There are a quite a few people in the world who do this, and they really don't teach anything you can't find on the internet for free.
At the US Memory Championship, the water provided free was 'Smart Water' - water with added chemicals that help the brain. I didn't dare touch the stuff.
My miscellaneous thought: Love comes in spurts...