Monday, May 06, 2024

Fat bottomed girls, they'll be riding today

It's been sunny and warm all through this bank holiday weekend! Well, it's pouring with rain right now, but that's okay because it's Monday night. So I've been cycling around all weekend - I have the idea that it does more good than harm to my knees, which is probably wrong, but it's fun anyway. Saturday I had a good long bike in two easy stages... 

Runkeeper is still a great app. This is just the free version, too, not something you have to pay actual money for! It's useful for seeing just how big the hills are along the way, if I want to plan to avoid them next time. There are flatter ways to get to Stratford...

The cycle route to Bromsgrove is fun, taking you really through the middle of nowhere...

And going to Barnt Green is basically uphill all the way. That's the problem with going anywhere towards Birmingham from Redditch - it's a great journey once you get past the hilly bits, but starting out is always bumpy.

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