Saturday, December 09, 2023

A fun one

 This time I will write about Dr Who, which proves I thought this one was all right. Just a few observations before I go and read what everyone else has said about it and argue with them...

I'm surprised they've never done John Logie Baird before, actually - it's so obvious, if you're going to do a stereotypical Russell T Davies hidden-mind-control-messages thing, that you'd think it would have been the first story in 2005. Maybe he was waiting for the hundredth anniversary but got fed up.

Nice to see Mel, and I was really expecting a reference to The Nightmare Fair, but I guess it really didn't happen after all.

The climactic ball game was underwhelming - couldn't they have spent some money on making it look acrobatic and exciting?

It was a nice episode, but I really want to see something that makes me go "Ooh, that's clever," and I'm not really doing that about this one.

But despite all the negativity, it was good! More of the same at Christmas, please!

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