Sunday, May 07, 2023

So what's the big deal about height?


There aren't many people in the world who would instantly recognise what the title of this blog post is quoting, so perhaps I should be kinder to my younger brother and less publicly abusive of him for being so persistently taller than me, ever since we were very small. But instead I choose to use this photo to tell the world how very much I sympathise with unfortunate people like Rigby and Unemployed Brendon.

Rigby's tragic story from Regular Show resonates with me particularly strongly for many reasons (which, again, there's probably only one person in the world who entirely understands):

And in the spirit of being kinder, I should warn anyone with a puppet phobia (which is, of course, a completely reasonable and perfectly normal thing for an intelligent middle-aged man to suffer from) not to watch this next video, but I'm very much on Don't Hug Me I'm Scared star Unemployed Brendon's side too:

But actually, this photo makes me think the most of yet a third brilliant TV show that everyone should be au fait with - Infinity Train. Although Min Gi and Ryan are the same height and age, and not brothers but lifelong friends born on the same day... the flashback to their younger days is very familiar to me. "I'm Gonna Dress My Dog In A Toque" could compete with our own masterpiece "Ripe Lettuce", I assure you:

Right, having got all that off my chest, I'll go back to my undersized, unexceptional life now. Thanks for listening.

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