Thursday, March 23, 2023

Time flies when you're not doing anything worth writing about

 I don't seem to have posted anything here for a month, which really wasn't intentional. I should make a point of saying something here regularly - even if nobody else reads it, it's a very useful way to remind myself what I was doing at any point in history (history before 2005 doesn't really count, because nobody remembers back that far). So I'll follow the advice of one of my favourite other blogs on the internet, Dirty Feed, which is frequently devoted to complaining about other people's blogs that aren't updated frequently, but also spends a lot of time writing absolutely brilliant articles about minutiae of television production history. It's really worth reading through the whole thing, if you haven't already.

While I'm recommending things, is everyone reading Tom Brevoort's blog? If you've got even a passing interest in the history of superhero comics, you can spend hours engrossed in his fascinating writings!

That makes me feel better about not giving my loyal readers, if any, sufficient reading matter just lately. So what am I doing these days? Well, working for a living, which is a bit tiresome. I'd rather be making more documentaries about exercising and competing in memory competitions, but there's probably a limit on how much the public can stomach of that kind of thing. Mind you, I've been thinking for the best part of twenty years that my occasional worldwide TV star career has surely worn out its welcome by now, and new things keep on turning up, so who knows?

Also, I am not a number; I am a free man. But if you want to keep track of how I'm doing at Excel esports and find that their ranking tables list most of the competitors by a number rather than a name for some reason, I'm #408184. I came 34th out of the 80 competitors who registered a score in today's competition, and I think I'm still gradually improving. World champion one of these years, once I learn or develop a few new clever tricks with spreadsheets. I just wouldn't want you to think I'm hiding my mediocre performance behind the anonymity of numbers. There's probably a box to tick somewhere to say it's okay for them to publish my name, but I'm not a box-ticker, I'm an Excel wizard. Although I do know how to do things with tick-boxes on Excel.

Today's competition was at 7:30 in the morning. I did that, then worked from home from nine till half past twelve, then I had a Memory League match scheduled on my lunch hour only for my opponent not to turn up, then some more accountancy until five o'clock, and now I'm watching Italy v England play football on telly. This is how my life goes, and I really do think it's fascinating enough to merit blogging about regularly.

Also, I'm inclined to write at length about Frankenstein. Look forward to it.

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