Saturday, December 10, 2022

Speedy Scriggles should take the first penalty

 All this fuss about Harry Kane's role in today's big game against France tends to overlook the fact that he's really obviously the early-1940s Marvel superhero Hurricane in disguise, and thus able to use his super-speed and other godly powers to win the game for us easily if he wants to. If he doesn't, I can only assume it's part of some further ruse to protect his secret identity while fighting fifth-columnists sent by dictator nations. Or alternatively some comedy blundering on the part of his fat, comical sidekick Speedy Scriggles.

Hurricane, like most of the disposable heroes Marvel filled the back pages of their comics with in the golden age, was rubbish. But let's hope that his namesake (while keeping his clothes on better than the superhero did) can inspire England to victory today!

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