Tuesday, July 26, 2022

The MSO is on!

 It's now possible to register for the Mind Sports Olympiad 2022! It'll take place 25 years after the first one, you know - this makes me feel old. But please click on this link to register for the events of your choice. If you're going for the whole week, the best thing to do is buy the all-you-can-play ticket for £130 (it was fifty quid in 1997; I feel even older now), but if you're just in it for the memory, then you need to look for Marathon Memory (£15, all day Sunday 21 August), Natural Memory (£10, morning of Monday 22 August) and Speed Memory (£10, afternoon of Monday 22 August). These three competitions can be entered separately, but if you take part in all three, it adds up to an overall MSO Memory Championship!

Here's how the whole thing works...

Please pay attention to that one. This year's MSO competition, for the first time, will be done digitally, using this software. Competitors should bring their own laptop - although it might be possible to provide one for people who arrive without.

That's the marathon memory - it's a long and mentally draining day! Only for serious professionals or masochists! Or weirdos who actually LIKE this kind of thing, such as me...

To pad out the Natural Memory competition, I'd also like to add these three quick bits too, from the Memory League competitions. I haven't yet agreed this with anyone, though. What do you think? It would be fun! We might have to save it for next year, though - it's a bit late to be changing the format now...

And as for the speed memory...

Speed cards will be done with REAL cards! Bring your own real cards, or alternatively we'll provide them for you!

Again, these two are something I would like to add in - maybe next year, when everything won't have been arranged in such a hurry...

I hope that all makes sense, but I will gladly answer any questions people might have. Hope to see you there!

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