Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Top of the table

 Season Fifteen is go, in the world of Memory League! And just when I'm busy with easily half a dozen little projects all week - seriously, they do all come at once, with a vengeance!

But I'm in division 2a this time, with an interesting lineup of opponents, and hopeful of doing better than last time around. First match is against Guillaume, who's a tough cookie - in fact, they all are. Against most opponents I generally hope to get a win in cards, and less definitely in numbers, but everybody tends to be very good at images nowadays, and are often better than me at words, and you need a win in at least one of those to get to the four points you need for victory. I'll just have to see how it goes. And hope my opponents make mistakes.

The best thing, of course, is that I'm top of the league! Thanks to the wonders of alphabetical order - and isn't it a good thing that I changed my memory league name from "Zoomy" to the regular Sunday-go-to-church "Ben Pridmore" to set a good example in the early days when people were complaining about the anonymity of nicknames? I'd hate to be in the red zone to start with...

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