Thursday, March 03, 2022

What three words?

 If you want to get to my house (or at least to a convenient parking space near to my house) and for some reason you don't want to use the postcode like normal people, then you can use the what3words thing that advertises on TV and seems to think it's really great. When my new washing machine was delivered, they asked for that, and I gave them the key words 'barn-packet-mass'.

But you've got to be careful if you're using that system - 'barn-packets-mass' takes you to eastern Bucharest. 'bran-packet-mass' puts you on the east coast of Australia. 'bran-packets-mass' sticks with Australia but dumps you absolutely in the middle of nowhere in the Northern Territory. It's inherently dangerous, and I'm surprised the washing machine got here at all!

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