Wednesday, February 16, 2022

The internet knows a lot about me

There's a website out there that pretends to know the net worth of celebrities. I found it ages ago, and I've just rediscovered it tonight - I'm worth eight million dollars at the moment. I'm pretty sure it was ten million last time I looked, and I see Google's cached version of the page had it all the way up at seventeen million at one point. Who keeps pinching my money?

(Just in case anybody was wondering about the truth, my net worth is absolute zero).

There's another website that pretends to know where everybody fits on that stupid Myers-Briggs thing. It's got me down as INTJ, which seems to be where it puts all the nerdy chess-players and similar. Having looked that up on a website that seems to quite passionately believe in the whole system, that apparently makes me an "architect". On the one hand, that's quite cool because it was the stock description of Tygra in Thundercats, but on the other hand it's the exact opposite of an "entertainer", ESFP, and surely I'm an entertaining kind of person, right?

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