Friday, February 11, 2022

I'm well below par (which is a good thing in golf)

 At the start of the Wordle craze that gripped the world (the portion of it that waste a lot of time on the internet, anyway) a month or so ago, I saw someone say that in golfing terms, par for Wordle is 4, so if you're averaging better than that, you're doing well.

So since I played it for the 36th time early this morning, just before it was swallowed up by the New York Times, that seems like an appropriate time to stop playing the silly thing, and move on to other more exciting wastes of time. And after the full 36 holes, I can proudly say I'm 5 under, which is usually enough to make the cut, isn't it? Eat your heart out, Tiger Woods (and any other golfers whose name is made up of five-letter English words).

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