Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Memory competitions get scientific!

I'm reliably informed that the UK Memory Championship will happen on August 23-24, at the Science Museum in London.

That's an absolutely excellent place for a memory championship, and I'm very impressed that they've arranged it! In the distant past, apparently the pack of cards that Andi Bell memorised in a world-record time was once on display at the Science Museum - Andi once told me an anecdote about what happened when he went to see if it was still there, but to be honest I can't remember what it was. I'm sure it was funny, though.

I'm doing Science and I'm still alive...


  1. Hi!

    Are you to take part in the August Open Memory Championship at the Science Museum?

    I would love to get tickets to watch but the website for the event that I found, seems to have completely died (! :(

    Good luck on the job finding!!

    Stay happy,

  2. Try - although it's very infrequently updated and currently has nothing about the Science Museum championship.

    We're rather lacking in a good website for memory competitions at the moment, but try the forum at for people who'll answer any questions you might have!

    Spectator tickets aren't traditionally sold for these competitions, you should be able to just turn up on the day for free.
