Monday, December 14, 2009

Inside the head of Zoomy

This is a picture of the screen of the brain-scanning machine in Tokyo:

Actually, that's the outside of the head of Zoomy, but you could slice cross-sections of it by careful clicks of the mouse, to examine the brain inside. The marks around my eyes are the space-age goggles I was wearing instead of my glasses, by the way.

The Japanese TV people want me to go back there in January, to do some more memory things in the studio! Hopefully it'll be possible to arrange it - I've only got two more days of holiday left after my Christmas break, but that's probably enough to make a flying visit to Tokyo. I have also supposedly won a trip to Bahrain as a prize in the WMC last month, but nobody's replied to my email about the details of that, so I assume there's no time limit on the invitation to go out there and be shown historic buildings. I was thinking of sending someone else, disguised as me, anyway - it can be my Christmas present to anyone out there who looks a bit like me and likes the idea of historic buildings in Bahrain.

As everyone knows, I'm also bad at replying to emails myself, so I've spent this evening catching up with all the various queries about memory techniques I've had in the last couple of weeks. There have been a lot of them, which serves me right for winning the world championship, I suppose, and most of them have been about how to use memory techniques to pass exams at university and things like that which I know nothing about, so replying to them is a bit difficult. I also had someone today asking for memory tips for her toddler.

Tomorrow, I will devote my time to typing up my transcripts for the Cambridge Christmas tournament, three weeks late, before Geoff summons his Viking hordes from Denmark and pillages me. And then email my brother, which is a full evening's work because we write long emails to each other, but at least that's fun rather than a chore...


  1. Hello,
    Ben I got your Library card number. I have seen you deleting good comments, asking just about your technique. Not fair.......


  2. Your library card number? My, what a bizarre quality of identity theft you suffer from. Maybe it will be sufficient to allow someone to pass for you on the historic buildings of Bahrain tour!

  3. Benocchio, it is my opinion that you being a wooden composite humanoid should somehow disqualify you from competing against humans.

  4. (sob) How could you deny me the right to be a world memory champion like a real boy? I don't have a wooden heart...

  5. Hello,

    Are you Ben Pridmore the memory Champion? If so do you fancy doing an interview on BBC Radio Gloucestershire in the new year about improving your memory? You could do it from your local station. My email is or my phone number is 01452 835409.

