Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I don't normally write about work, but...

Gah, I've had too much to do at work this week! And it's only Tuesday! I need a holiday!

Actually, I'm wondering whether I should go to AnthroCon (the world's largest gathering for lovers of funny-animal comics, cartoons etc) in Pittsburgh in July. It would be nice to get away for a week or so and see the sights of a place I've never been to. But the only thing stopping me is the fact that I went to New York in March, I'm going to Hamburg at the end of July and then probably Bahrain in November. Four foreign trips in a year is rather the kind of thing I disapprove of in others. If you tell me you go overseas four times in a year, I'll decry you as some kind of bourgeois snob who the working classes need to rise up and overthrow and probably not want to be your friend. So I'd feel like a bit of a hypocrite.

On the other hand, I can just about afford it, more or less, and I really want to do it...


  1. Dear Zoomy:
    I just saw a Canadian television program featuring a certain black hatted dragon with a hell of a memory. It took me back quite a few years, brought back a few memories of my own. It was lovely to see what you have accomplished.

    Somehow I remember you losing your hat in the creek under the poohsticks bridge. I'm glad you found it.

    Take care!

  2. They have a special convention just for comics with animals in them!?

  3. Patty! Hi! Long time no chat! How are you? Hugs! Heh, I didn't know I was going to be on Canadian TV. My fame is spreading around the world, it's scary.

    And Sam, nothing is too obscure and specific to have its own convention nowadays. That's the wonder of the modern world!

  4. You bourgeois snob.

    Do you like Sonic Youth?

  5. The interesting people you run across when you go "blog-surfing"! Oh, the memories! PicNics on The Bridge! Endless semantic discussions! Unbeatable huggles and snuggles! I hope all is well and the cosmos is playing fair, Patty Quack!
    - WdP
