Sunday, March 01, 2009

Ol' hotel

CityRoomz, formerly known as Sleeperz, is a really nice little hotel right next to the train station in Cambridge. I always stay there for othello tournaments, and I heartily recommend it to anyone who might want to come to an othello tournament or any of the other things that happen in Cambridge.

Anyway, fun weekend. As I predicted, I played pretty terribly, apart from a quite nice win over Phil. I did develop a new theory about othello games, though, which I'll write in more detail if I really can't think of anything else to talk about tomorrow.


  1. How much does the hotel cost per night Ben and what is the breakfast like ?


  2. £45 a night, and nasty. Well, nice if you like 'continental breakfasts', but I go to McDonald's...

  3. Thanks Ben. I wasn't sure what you meant for a split second. Nasty in some circles is good yet, your healthy diet is nasty in the true sense of the word. Can't be any worse than smoking though. Good luck in USA incidentally.

    I will get some bacon in ready for you as, i'm more the continental breakfast type.


    I will be using Dr. Yips card memorisation sheets. If you want me to send you a copy (or anyone else) send your new address (or theirs) to my Facebbok inbox and I will post a sample immediately.


  4. Hey Ben,

    I did some googling, and I was elated when I stumbled across your blog (I didn't know you had one). I was just wondering if your memory system for numbers is the same as described here:

    If it is, I was also wondering how you kept track of the images you came up with for each number (do you have a ton of photographs, use some kind of photo management software, or just rely on previous memories/impressions, etc)?

    Hoping to hear from you!

  5. I don't know if I could bring myself to stay anywhere that conducts such heinous attacks on decent spelling.
