Friday, November 28, 2008

T'was ever thus

Whenever I have to get up super-early in the morning to catch the train down to Cambridge, I always end up sitting up late doing nothing and not even leaving myself enough time to write my blog.

So, I promise that next week I'll write lots and lots of interesting bloggery, all about subjects of interest to my many readers. And on that note, what would you, my loyal readers, if I still have any readers, like to see me talk about? Memory? Othello? Chocolate? Last week's Beano like I promised to write about but never did? Trousers? Geraniums? Dentistry? The history of bubblegum? Tell me!


  1. Mikinho:

    What is the best curry house in Derby, based on your experience?
    I went to one once near a big round-about and I found it adequate.

  2. Tell us about your mother, and your relationship with her.

  3. All of the above, one at a time. (Not at once; that would be silly.) Start at the end of the list and work backwards...

  4. snooker. always worth it....

  5. The history of bubblegum sounds interesting!

  6. It would not be that silly to talk about them all at once Chris.

    One may easily imagine a man made of chewing gum playing othello with Ben who in turn, is moving his pieces with a snooker cue which is also made of chewing gum and becoming stuck to said pieces. Then sudddenly a cartoon Tony Buzan comes along and cuts the othello board in half with a cartoon samuri sword and also decapitates Ben's head. As Ben's yellow hat falls on to the othello board it sticks to the chewing gum pieces making it impossible for Ben to ever forget it again.

    Events here are based on a true story and peoples identities have been changed to protect the innocent from Cartoon Tony Buzan.
