I've been trying to draw a comic strip. I sometimes get the impression that if I sit down and try to draw things I'll acquire great artistic ability in the space of a couple of minutes. Then when I don't, I get all annoyed and discouraged and vow never to pick up or even look at a pencil again. It's very frustrating. One of these days I'll do the sensible thing and go on a course to learn to draw halfway properly.
I just have a mental block on the whole subject of art, though. It, like most of the great wrongs in the world, is entirely my brother's fault, because he was always better at drawing than me even when we were little, and it gave me a lifelong complex. If he'd had a good memory I would now be completely unable to memorise a one-digit number. Although come to think of it, he also always had a better memory for things like Transformers' mottos when we were young. Oh dear, I feel a complex developing...
Me, too. I have had this great idea for a strip about life as a special ed parent, and the joys of raising kids in a world that equates "different" with "stupid." But I can't draw worth a damn. Maybe we can find someone to hire...
This is one of the world's great imbalances. The number of potential writers who need an artist is hugely greater than the number of potential artists who need a writer.