Tuesday, December 05, 2006

I'm ready to go anywhere, I'm ready for to fade into my own parade

So, I quit my job. Well, as you know, I quit it a long, long time ago, but then they asked me to keep working as a 'consultant' part-time for November and December (so basically, doing exactly the same job but in less time). But having thought about it at length, I came to the conclusion that working in December would cause me much more stress and inconvenience than could be made up for by the minimal financial rewards of working eight more days, or the good feeling of not inconveniencing my colleagues. My replacement should be starting next week, assuming there aren't any more delays, so no doubt everything will be running smoothly before long. And if it isn't, what the heck does it matter? We're talking accountancy, after all - nobody really needs accountancy, it only exists to provide work for otherwise untalented bean-counters like me, who without it would be doomed to a life as unproductive members of society.

This of course means I need to get on with doing useful things. I'm already easing back into the memory training, which I haven't done much of for the last month or so, and for the remainder of the month (the bits not fully booked by festive activities) I'm already planning what I'm going to do with the long-postponed How To Be Clever - I want to at least have a proper structure for the book written down with real words and everything, and bits of it composed, researched where necessary and typed up by the end of the year. Ah, the joys of being self-employed. Or, to phrase it more accurately, idle.

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