Wednesday, November 29, 2006

To work or not to work

I was thinking of going into the office tomorrow. The agreement is for me to go back on Friday and get on with the November accounts, and possibly show things to my replacement, depending when he's starting, but it would probably avoid a lot of stress and unnecessarily long working hours if I went in before the month end and got some stuff done. Besides, I'm going down to Cambridge this weekend for the Christmas othello tournament, so I'd like to knock off early on Friday if at all possible.

On the other hand, I'm not keen on the idea of getting up early in the morning - I've been lying in bed rather later this last couple of weeks, and I'm pretty sure that's good for you. Maybe I could go in for the afternoon? Or maybe I could not bother and just stay in bed all day. I feel like staying up to watch Match of the Day tonight, anyway.

Growing a third hand and being on that, I have half a mind to not go back to work at all. There are plenty of things I could be doing with my time that don't involve working another half a month at a job I decided to leave months and months and months ago. I'm only doing this so as not to make extra work for my boss, who works too much already, and it probably wouldn't put her out too much if I wasn't there after all this month.

If you were wondering "but what about that NaNoWriMo thing? Has he completed fifty thousand words with a day to spare, so that he can glibly speculate about going to the office and accounting when he would be expected to be frantically trying to churn out the closing chapters?", then don't. I've given up on the thing, I'm afraid. Found that I'd got through all the interesting parts of the story with 20,000 words to go, and just couldn't force myself to drag it out to the required length.

Nonetheless, I choose to see this as a life lesson rather than an abject failure - it's taught me some interesting things about how to go about writing, it really has made me stretch my imagination a bit and brought home the realities of writing something lengthy and cohesive. Not to mention the pressures of deadlines. And even the importance of going back and reading what you've written, noticing that a Thursday morning is followed directly after lunch by a Friday afternoon and fixing the timeline of half the book so it makes some kind of sense. It was a fun experience, and I think I'm going to do it again at some arbitrarily-set time period in the near future, rather than waiting till next November.

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