Sunday, November 26, 2006

Those were the days, my friend

I've been feeling a bit nostalgic this weekend. It started out as a more looking-at-wikipedia mood, because I've been increasingly staggered by the weird people and things that have got pages on there nowadays. It turned out that even my old school has a proper page to itself - check out Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School, Horncastle. It occurred to me that I don't think I've ever mentioned QEGS here before, which seems terribly unfair on the old place. After all, it probably wasn't all bad, despite what I might have thought at the time. Looking at the official website, it seems that it's now got a new Arts Centre with Performance Studio, that looks like a sort of avant-garde garden shed. I'm trying to work out where it is, looking at the buildings in the background, but I'm drawing a blank. Maybe that's a picture of a completely different building, in Basingstoke or somewhere, that they're trying to pass off as part of the school in order to lure thespians.

Until a few years ago, there used to be a bit on the school website about the chess club, mentioning that "doubles chess" was still popular there. That was my contribution to school history - or mine, Noddy's, Jimmy's and Slosh's, anyway, so I hope the young folk are still playing it.

I did consider adding my name to the extensive list of alumnus on the Wikipedia page, but that would probably just make it look even more ridiculous. And it would give the impression that I think I'm as cool and successful as Robert Webb (who was a brilliant comedian even as a schoolboy, by the way). But still, my poor little stub could use some more links to it. I've been meaning for ages to write a page for the memory competition scene (or at least just translate the extensive German version), but I've never got round to it.

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