Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Trick or treat?

I've never been trick-or-treating, actually. Some kids did it even back in the olden days when I was young, but I lived in the middle of nowhere, and you really need neighbours if you're going to successfully demand sweets with menaces. I'm not sure I like the idea of threatening mischief if you don't get goodies - the more zoomy way to go about it is to be so incredibly cute and lovely that people give you sweets anyway. I do have a really cool rubber monster mask, though. Grr!

Anyway, I've got to pack for my trip to Germany some time. Tomorrow night, probably, because I'm very busy watching football at the moment. I should be doing a bit of mental calculation practice, really, because I haven't done enough (concentrating on the memory), but never mind. It wouldn't make a lot of difference, anyway. This involves the eternal dilemma of which T-shirts to take with me. You'd be surprised how much thought I can put into what to wear when I go away. It mainly involves remembering what I was wearing last time I met whoever I'm going to see, and picking something else. I don't own many clothes, so by carefully keeping track of what people have seen me wearing what, I can create the illusion of having a full wardrobe. Of shirts, anyway. I've only got one really wearable pair of non-work trousers at the moment, seeing as the hole in the crotch of my grey ones has reached the kind of level where you don't really want to be seen outdoors wearing them. Perhaps I should buy some more.

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