Thursday, October 12, 2006

Educating Marmalade

Just to keep you up to date on my academic endeavours, I'm still going to college on Thursdays. One of the lecturers or teachers or whatever you call them (probably 'learning facilitators' or something stupid like that) is what you'd have to call an old-fashioned type. Hand-written transparencies on the overhead projector, writing on the blackboard (well, whiteboard, it's not THAT old-fashioned), presenting each lesson by the time-honoured technique of mumbling continuously about whatever the subject is without acknowledging the existence of the students in any way.

Then he's followed by a guy who can only be described as insanely multimedia. Home-made and very professional-looking Powerpoint slideshows via a laptop and projector, then a video to watch before class discussions. He even uses Mind Maps! I don't think I've ever encountered anyone outside memory circles (which often comes with Tony-Buzan-worship as part of the package). It's like stepping from the 1970s into the 21st century!

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