Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Yes it's pa-pa-pa-pa-pancake day

However, I have no idea how to go about making pancakes, and haven't got the time to learn, so I haven't had any. In fact, I've been unusually busy tonight - not only was the train 40 minutes late due to a medical emergency on the train at Tamworth (the third time in the last couple of months that this has happened on that particular train at that particular station - what's going on there?), but I've been deluged with emails to reply to about that memory competition I've been organising. I barely have time for my usual fun evening activities, like practising memory things and producing an in-depth critical analysis of preschool cartoons. And I'm going to be busy at work for the next week or so, getting everything done before I go jetting off to New York. Woo, that's next Thursday!

It's only just occurred to me to check the weather forecast before I go - I've just been assuming that the weather there will be either pleasantly warm or baking hot, because that's what it's always been like when I've been to America before, but now I come to think of it, March in New York is actually quite likely to be fairly cold, I would think. Maybe I'll take a jumper after all.

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