Tuesday, February 14, 2006

What's in the mail today?

Well, since nobody thought to send me a card or present (shame on you all), I've been trying to decide what the most romantic thing anybody's ever said to me is. And the conclusion I came to is that nobody's ever going to beat "Want to come and kill humans and bathe in their blood with me?" Wolf can be such a sweetie when he wants to be.

What I did get today, on the other hand, is fan mail, which is always nice. It happens about once a month, somebody who I've never heard of looks me up on the internet to ask me something about memorising playing cards. The latest guy actually describes himself as a 'huge fan', which is great for the ego. I just have to avoid disillusioning him somehow (possibly by relocating to Antarctica before he notices how bad I am at giving memory advice). Still, he even praised the chapter of "How To Be Clever" that I sent him, and encouraged me to write the rest of the thing, which is cool. I'm almost in the mood to sit down and do it, too.

But before I do, and even though I seem to have been talking about othello much more than usual just lately, I should mention that the French ranking list has been updated, not including last weekend's tournament, but counting a couple of foreign ones before it. I've dropped down from 141st to 143rd, but only because of the unfairness of alphabetical order. The two people on the same number of points as me are listed as 141 and 142. Now, normally I'd just get around the problem by changing my name to Aaron A. Aardvark, but even that wouldn't work this time, because the current number 141 is Jens Aagaard-Hansen, who I bet just made that name up in case this situation ever happens. I need to rename myself something starting with a number, or possibly a punctuation mark of some kind.

Hey, maybe I could call myself ?

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