Thursday, February 02, 2006

A moral dilemma

Should I eat those hot cross buns in my kitchen cupboard? I've got three of them left - they were six for a pound in Sainsbury's, so I bought two packs. But then I felt more like my usual bacon butties for breakfast the last few days, and stuffed myself with my usual teas in the evenings, so I haven't eaten them all yet. They're a bit past the sell-by date now, and a tad on the stale side, so I really should have them tonight if I'm going to. But I can't decide whether I really want to or not. I don't generally eat things for the sake of eating them - I could always feed them to the birds tomorrow morning, although the pigeons round here get more than enough already, and they bully the little sparrows and things so they don't get anything.

I kind of object to hot cross buns being on sale in the first place, at this time of year. Things are less special the longer you stretch out the period of time when they're available. Of course, I endorsed the sale of them by my purchases, but you see I respond to simple commands like "Buy these things! They're cheap!" Not that six for a pound is really all that cheap, come to think of it, but the supermarket made a big deal out of it as if it was. I can't resist a big red sticker.

There are more important things I could be talking about, I know. I was planning to go on at length about the new event at the memory championships, and the various competitions to come this year, but I like to strike a balance between interesting things like that and pointless drivel like this. Tomorrow I'll be more profound and fascinating. Probably.

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