Thursday, January 19, 2006

Twenty-eight point three four

Am I good or what? Sorry, I'm just extremely happy with myself tonight - I just beat my personal best time at memorising a pack of cards by more than a second. Which is a big deal to me, because I've been struggling to get under thirty seconds for the last couple of weeks - it's really hard to cut down on split-second hesitations coming up with the right word for the right combination of cards. Also, I was having trouble physically turning over the cards fast enough, but I'm definitely improving with that now. I think a couple of other people have got down as low as 25 seconds in practice, which is the kind of thing I'm aiming for, but as long as I keep very gradually improving, it keeps my interest. I'm determined to break the 30-second barrier this year.

Back in the real world, I got an email at work today saying I'm coming up to the end of my three-month probationary period, after which I'll be a proper employee, needing to give a month's notice and everything. It seems to have come round fast, but at the same time it feels like I've been working there forever. The job sort of feels like an actual part of my life, which I suppose means I'm going to stay there. I'm not particularly good at it, but good enough to keep my reputation of a genius anyway - as I say in that book I haven't written yet, it's not actually about being good at anything, it's about giving the impression that you're brilliant.

So this really means I should move to Burton. Just to save the hassle and expense of the trains, really. Although it's not too bad, commuting at the moment, and it'll probably be even nicer in the summer (although it's been very warm and pleasant today). So I'm not in any desperate hurry to move, but if I see something nice in Burton, I might take it. I'd quite like a little bungalow or something, if there's one up for rent that's not too extortionate. God, I must be getting old...

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