Tuesday, January 10, 2006

So good they named it twice

I'm still not sure whether or not to go to the US Memory Championship, or the US Memoriad, whatever they're calling it at the moment, in New York in March. I might go there just to watch and help out, rather than competing. I'd feel like I was showing off if I went all the way there just to do better than everyone else. But then I feel bad about thinking like that, because it doesn't show much respect to the American competitors. But I've been thinking, since it's three days before Pi Day, that I could recite pi to 10,000 places or so there, as a sort of sideshow, if they'd let me. It wouldn't take that long to refresh my memory of that much, hopefully, and only take an hour and a bit to reel them off. I'll make up my mind this week.

I've never properly been to New York before. I've sort of been through it, and hung out around Penn Station for a couple of hours on the way from Boston to Washington back in 2000, but that doesn't really count as a visit. I need to broaden my horizons a bit - I tend to go to one place, like it, and then keep going back, rather than trying anywhere else. It would probably do me good to experience something new and exciting from time to time, as opposed to just going to Las Vegas...

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