Sunday, August 07, 2005

Memory stuff

I've had a great weekend's training, and the conclusion is that I'm not at quite the level I was last year, but I'm getting the idea that I might, if everything goes well, be good enough to win, touch wood.

I'm torn between resting my routes from now till Saturday, or getting a bit more practice in after work tomorrow. I think I'll go for the latter option, just because I'm still not completely confident about how much to attempt in the hour numbers (8 234-digit journeys to play it safe, or 9 and hope it goes better than it did on Saturday? 8 won't be enough to match the best results, I suspect, but I think it's the way to go).

I've also altered my new journeys so as to skip two sections that are much too similar to each other, and dredged some more old journeys from the back of my mind where they've been lying unused since last year. So I've now got close to thirty of them, which should be enough. The old ones still work better than the new ones, so I have to decide which disciplines to use them for...

I also have to work tomorrow - it's going to be a busy day, particularly with not being in on Tuesday or Friday, and the radio and TV people both probably going to call at some point. Still, stress always helps me think better.

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